Weird Fates, vol. 2
Weird Fates, vol. 2
Weird Fates, vol. 2 je zborník štyroch menších dobrodružstiev pre postavy na 4. až 7. úrovni v OSR hrách. Jedná sa o otvorené scenáre vhodné na jedno dve sedenia, s dôrazom na nelineárnu štruktúru a kreativitu hráčov, všetky v žánri "divné (weird) fantasy".
Príručka je v angličtine.
A 36-stranné antológie pre štyri mini-moduly pre 4. až 7. úrovne charakteru, Weird Fates, vol. With cover art by Cameron Hawkey, a ilustrácie Graphite Prime, Vincentas Saladis, Original Masters a Robot Overlords, tieto kolekcie predávajú dobrodružstvá súvisiace so stranou a unusual, tento čas sa usiluje o weird dungeons (although an odd, glo also featured). Každý z týchto scenárov by mohol byť suitable ako jeden-shots, alebo digressions, ktoré sú zapojené do ongoing campaign, suitable pre 4th to 7th level characters.
“A compilation of short, open-ended adventure outlines leading to uncanny locals and perplexing situations, this ine offers scenarios that could serve as one-shots or digressions from longer campaigns. Herein, ktorý môže visit a comet-struck mesto, ktoré sa nachádza v perpetual gloom, abandoned by jeho inhabitants ale súht by rich eccentrics; resolve an ancient family feud in place of unravelling time; seek the resting place of a saint in the Undercity to avert and bridge unusual calamity befalling the City's dead; and travel beyond space and time to a sanctuary of learning… where the books read you. Some assembly required!”
Príručka je v angličtine.
A 36-stranné antológie pre štyri mini-moduly pre 4. až 7. úrovne charakteru, Weird Fates, vol. With cover art by Cameron Hawkey, a ilustrácie Graphite Prime, Vincentas Saladis, Original Masters a Robot Overlords, tieto kolekcie predávajú dobrodružstvá súvisiace so stranou a unusual, tento čas sa usiluje o weird dungeons (although an odd, glo also featured). Každý z týchto scenárov by mohol byť suitable ako jeden-shots, alebo digressions, ktoré sú zapojené do ongoing campaign, suitable pre 4th to 7th level characters.
“A compilation of short, open-ended adventure outlines leading to uncanny locals and perplexing situations, this ine offers scenarios that could serve as one-shots or digressions from longer campaigns. Herein, ktorý môže visit a comet-struck mesto, ktoré sa nachádza v perpetual gloom, abandoned by jeho inhabitants ale súht by rich eccentrics; resolve an ancient family feud in place of unravelling time; seek the resting place of a saint in the Undercity to avert and bridge unusual calamity befalling the City's dead; and travel beyond space and time to a sanctuary of learning… where the books read you. Some assembly required!”
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Raritné fantasy RPG
Raritné fantasy RPG
36 stran
brožovaná väzba
36 stran
brožovaná väzba
Rok vydania
First Hungarian d20 Society
First Hungarian d20 Society
Kód produktu
Weird Fates, vol. 2 - hodnotenie
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