Warhammer AOS Soulbound RPG: Starter set
Warhammer AOS Soulbound RPG: Starter set
Štartovacia sada Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound RPG Starter Set obsahuje všetko potrebné, aby ste sa mohli pustiť do dobrodružstva v krajinách Mortal Realms v hre na hrdinov Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soubound!
Sada je v angličtine.
The Starter Set includes :
Sada je v angličtine.
The Starter Set includes :
- Faltering Light, a 48-page adventure that Sees the heroes venture into the ancient Agloraxian ruins beneath the city of Brightspear. The adventure Teaches you and your friends how to play - no prep required!
- Brightspear City Guide, a 64-page guide to the city of Brightspear. Filled with strange and wonderful locations, unique characters, story hooks, and featuring eight one-page adventures set in Brightspear, this is the perfect way to continue your Soulbound campaign.
- An introduction to the world of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
- 5 GATEFOLD characters sheets with pre-generated characters, each with their own goals, pozadia, and connections.
- Three two-sided rules referencie sheets with rules for Tests, combat, and spellcasting.
- A two-sided sheet with a map of Brightspear on one side and the lands of Aspiria on the other.
- Tokens for tracking Mettle, Soulfire, and Doom.
- A set of 8, six-sided kocky.
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