VHS: Very Horror Stories RPG - Unchained
- pre milovníkov nadprirodzeného hororu
- štýlové balenie v podobe VHS kazety
- 10 predpripravených filmov - scenárov
VHS: Very Horror Stories RPG - Unchained ti prináša hru na hrdinov plnú démonov, duchov a nadprirodzených entít! Skvelé RPGčko pre milovníkov žánru nadprirodzených hororov zo 70., 80. a 90. rokov. Balenie má podobu VHS a nájdeš v ňom všetko potrebné k hre - pravidlá, predpripravené postavy a monštrá, žetóny a mnoho ďalšieho.
Sada je v angličtine.
Welcome to Unchained, the VHS dedicated to supernatural horror. Prepare to fight demons from other dimensions, immortal tormentors and fanatical cults praying for hell to swallow our world.
No amulet against their curses. No blade or gun to harm their hellforged forms. No place cleansed enough to stop the contamination borne by their black souls. This is Unchained and here skeptics are the first to die.
The world around us is not the only one. There are others, much darker and removed, that demons, evil entities and dark gods call home. Face cults, stop rituals and fight the creatures they summon, before they consume everything and everyone in their path.
VHS: Very Horror Stories is a Horror Role Play Game inspired by ‘70’s, ‘80’s and ‘90’s classics such as Hellraiser, Nightmare, Alien, Halloween and many more, coming in three stand-alone boxed sets that allow you to play in a different subgenre of Horror each.
Unchained is the VHS dedicated to supernatural movies and contains:
- 170+ pages rulebook (+10 premade Films)
- 4 Main Sets
- 40 Tokens
- 5 Premade Characters
- 5 (plus an extra one) Premade Monsters
- Digital pack with HD print files
- Implementation guide for Roll20
Podrobnosti o vydaní
VHS: Very Horror Stories
VHS: Very Horror Stories
180 x 105 mm
170 stran
brožovaná väzba
180 x 105 mm
170 stran
brožovaná väzba
Rok vydania
Kód produktu
VHS: Very Horror Stories RPG - Unchained - hodnotenie
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