Troika! (brožovaná)
Troika! (brožované vydanie) je kompletná príručka pre science-fantasy hranie na hrdinov, s množstvom užitočných informácií a inšpiratívneho materiálu. Hra poteší priaznivcov OSR, teda hranie "podľa starej školy". Hra má unikátne grafické spracovanie a ľahko psychedelický setting. Na poli RPG sa jedná o veľmi unikátnu záležitosť - ako po stránke vizuálnej, settingovej, tak mechanickej.
Príručka je v angličtine.
Adventure across the humpbacked sky!
TROIKA! The science-fantasy roleplaying game where you and your cosmopolitan group of fellow travelers explore the ends of the multiverse. You will fly on mystic barges, help dying gods, solve confounding crimes, plunder dead worlds, and meet strange and wonderful people.
With just one book and a couple of six-sided dice you'll be able to provide years of adventure for you and your friends.
TROIKA! is designed to be wondrous to play and simple to run. Its character backgrounds allow anyone to right into the with no prior knowledge of the setting, system or campaign and its many published adventures make it easy to get started. With a few easy steps you and your players will have a grasp on the weird of the world and it will grow from there into something entirely your own.
The core book for TROIKA! has everything you need to start and stay playing for a long time:
Príručka je v angličtine.
Adventure across the humpbacked sky!
TROIKA! The science-fantasy roleplaying game where you and your cosmopolitan group of fellow travelers explore the ends of the multiverse. You will fly on mystic barges, help dying gods, solve confounding crimes, plunder dead worlds, and meet strange and wonderful people.
With just one book and a couple of six-sided dice you'll be able to provide years of adventure for you and your friends.
TROIKA! is designed to be wondrous to play and simple to run. Its character backgrounds allow anyone to right into the with no prior knowledge of the setting, system or campaign and its many published adventures make it easy to get started. With a few easy steps you and your players will have a grasp on the weird of the world and it will grow from there into something entirely your own.
The core book for TROIKA! has everything you need to start and stay playing for a long time:
- 36 backgrounds ranging from pond priests to lobotomised aristocrats
- 70 unique spells
- 36 enemies each using our innovative Mien system
- 1 tutorial adventure to get you and your players comfortable in this bright new world
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Troika! RPG
Troika! RPG
150 x 210 mm
136 stran
brožovaná väzba
150 x 210 mm
136 stran
brožovaná väzba
Rok vydania
Melsonian Arts Council
Melsonian Arts Council
Kód produktu
Troika! (brožovaná) - hodnotenie
Produkt Troika! (brožovaná) zatiaľ nikto nehodnotil.