The Walking Dead Universe RPG Core Rules
The Walking Dead Universe RPG Core Rules je základná príručka pravidiel pre hororovú hru na hrdinov z nemilosrdného sveta Živých mŕtvych.
Príručka je v angličtine.
THE WALKING DEAD UNIVERSE RPG: CORE RULES - This is The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game. The Walking Dead has always been about characters facing impossible choices in an unforgiving world. With this game, you enter into the world of the dead and must face these choices head on. You can do this at any point in the timeline – encountering familiar faces and locations, or new ones – but the hardest choice will always be the same: Who are you going to be? We have seen many stories set in The Walking Dead Universe – now it’s time to see yours.
QUICK & EASY TO LEARN rules, based on the acclaimed Year Zero Engine.
HOLDS EVERYTHING YOU NEED to create player characters and start playing.
SURVIVAL MODE: Features a complete set-up for a campaign placed near Atlanta, and the survival mode scenario The Golden Ambulance.
SOLO MODE: Comes with rules for solo play, so you can experience the world of the dead without a Gamemaster.
Príručka je v angličtine.
THE WALKING DEAD UNIVERSE RPG: CORE RULES - This is The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game. The Walking Dead has always been about characters facing impossible choices in an unforgiving world. With this game, you enter into the world of the dead and must face these choices head on. You can do this at any point in the timeline – encountering familiar faces and locations, or new ones – but the hardest choice will always be the same: Who are you going to be? We have seen many stories set in The Walking Dead Universe – now it’s time to see yours.
Podrobnosti o vydaní
The Walking Dead Universe RPG
The Walking Dead Universe RPG
279 x 216 mm
viazaná väzba
279 x 216 mm
viazaná väzba
Rok vydania
Free League Publishing
Free League Publishing
Kód produktu
The Walking Dead Universe RPG Core Rules - hodnotenie
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