The Truth
"Zvláštne vydanie! Špeciálne vydanie! Prečítajte si! Pohyblivý tlač prichádza do Ankh-Morpork! Cech rytcov uvažuje o svojom zrušení!" Tak začína dvadsiaty piaty diel cyklu Úžasná Zeměplocha. Tentoraz vtrhla sila pokroku do najväčšieho mesta Zemeplochy v podobe veľkolepého objavu tlače. Kniha v anglickom jazyku.
William de Word is the accidental editor of the Discworld 's first newspaper. Now he must cope with the traditional Perils of a journalist 's life - people who want him dead, a Recovering vampire with a Suicidal Fascination for flash photography, some more people who want him dead in a different way and, worst of all, the man who keeps begging him to publish pictures of his humorously shaped potatoes. William just wants to get at THE TRUTH. Unfortunately, everyone else wants to get at William. And it 's only the third edition ...
William de Word is the accidental editor of the Discworld 's first newspaper. Now he must cope with the traditional Perils of a journalist 's life - people who want him dead, a Recovering vampire with a Suicidal Fascination for flash photography, some more people who want him dead in a different way and, worst of all, the man who keeps begging him to publish pictures of his humorously shaped potatoes. William just wants to get at THE TRUTH. Unfortunately, everyone else wants to get at William. And it 's only the third edition ...
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Knihy v angličtine
Knihy v angličtine
110 x 177 mm
448 stran
brožovaná väzba
110 x 177 mm
448 stran
brožovaná väzba
Rok vydania
Plochozem (anglicky) (kniha 25.)
Plochozem (anglicky) (kniha 25.)
Kód produktu
Knihy zo série Plochozem (anglicky)
- 1. The Colour Of Magic (vypredané)
- 2. The Light Fantastic (vypredané)
- 3. Equal Rites (vypredané)
- 4. Mort (EN) (vypredané)
- 5. Sourcery (vypredané)
- 6. Wyrd Sisters (vypredané)
- 7. Pyramids (Discworld) (vypredané)
- 8. Guards! Guards! (vypredané)
- 9. Eric (vypredané)
- 10. Moving Pictures
- 11. Reaper Man (vypredané)
- 12. Witches Abroad (vypredané)
- 13. Small Gods (vypredané)
- 14. Lords And Ladies (vypredané)
- 15. Men At Arms (vypredané)
- 16. Soul Music (vypredané)
- 17. Interesting Times (vypredané)
- 18. Maskerade (vypredané)
- 19. Feet Of Clay (vypredané)
- 20. Hogfather (vypredané)
- 21. Jingo (vypredané)
- 22. The Last Continent (vypredané)
- 23. Carpe Jugulum (EN) (vypredané)
- 24. The Fifth Elephant (vypredané)
- 25. The Truth (vypredané) - práve si prezeráte
- 26. Thief Of Time (vypredané)
- 29. Night Watch (vypredané)
- 30. The Wee Free Men (vypredané)
- 31. Monstrous Regiment (vypredané)
- 32. A Hat Full of Sky (vypredané)
- 33. Going Postal (vypredané)
- 34. Thud! (vypredané)
- 35. Wintersmith (vypredané)
- 36. Making Money (vypredané)
- 37. Unseen Academicals (vypredané)
- 38. I Shall Wear Midnight (vypredané)
- 39. Snuff (vypredané)
- 40. Raising Steam (vypredané)
Nezaradené časti série Plochozem (anglicky)
- Mrs Bradshaw's Handbook (vypredané)
- Turtle Recall : The Discworld Companion . . . So Far (vypredané)
- The Last Hero (vypredané)