The One Ring RPG: Tales From the Lone-lands
Tales From the Lone-lands je druhá rozširujúca príručka pre hru na hrdinov The One Ring RPG, ktorá vás nechá prežívať úžasné dobrodružstvá vo svete Hobita a Pána prsteňov - Lord of the Rings !
Príručka je v angličtine.
Now they had gone on far into the Lone-lands, where there were no people left, no inns, and the roads grew steadily worse. Not far ahead were dreary hills, rising higher and higher, dark with trees. On some of them were old castles with an evil look, as if they had been built by wicked people. Tales from the Lone-lands contains six adventures for The One Ring™, the official tabletop roleplaying game based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. All set in the lone-lands of north-western Middle-earth around the year 1965 of the Third Age, the adventures can be played individually, or as part of a larger tale.
Ancient evils wake as the Dark Lord stretches forth his hand. Over the course of these adventures, the heroes may thwart the spies and stratagems of the Enemy, explore long-lost wonders of the north, and travel far from hearth and home. Preserve the spark of hope, and one day these empty, wounded lands shall be healed! Fail, and all will be destroyed...
Príručka je v angličtine.
Now they had gone on far into the Lone-lands, where there were no people left, no inns, and the roads grew steadily worse. Not far ahead were dreary hills, rising higher and higher, dark with trees. On some of them were old castles with an evil look, as if they had been built by wicked people. Tales from the Lone-lands contains six adventures for The One Ring™, the official tabletop roleplaying game based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. All set in the lone-lands of north-western Middle-earth around the year 1965 of the Third Age, the adventures can be played individually, or as part of a larger tale.
Ancient evils wake as the Dark Lord stretches forth his hand. Over the course of these adventures, the heroes may thwart the spies and stratagems of the Enemy, explore long-lost wonders of the north, and travel far from hearth and home. Preserve the spark of hope, and one day these empty, wounded lands shall be healed! Fail, and all will be destroyed...
Podrobnosti o vydaní
The One Ring
The One Ring
216 x 279 mm
viazaná väzba
216 x 279 mm
viazaná väzba
Rok vydania
Free League Publishing
Free League Publishing
Kód produktu
The One Ring RPG: Tales From the Lone-lands - hodnotenie
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