The One Ring RPG: Moria - Týmto Doors of Durin
V príručke Moria: Through the Doors of Durin pre hru na hrdinov The One Ring RPG ťa čaká epické dobrodružstvo v hlbinách Morie (Khazad-dom), známe tiež ako Trpasluj! Ponor sa do sveta fantastickej Stredozeme z Hobita a Pána prsteňov - Lord of the Rings!
Súčasťou príručky je obojstranná mapa a denník postavy.
Príručka je v angličtine.
Moria™ – Through the Doors of Durin is an epic campaign expansion delving into the depths of Khazad-dûm for the award-winning second edition of The One Ring™ roleplaying game (TOR), based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
Set in the years before Balin’s doomed expedition, this supplement contains a hoard of Patrons, Landmarks, foes, encounters and treasures that a Loremaster can use to construct their own adventures in Moria – from a single desperate journey in the dark to a grand campaign to retake Durin’s Halls.
For long ages, the great city of the Dwarrowdelf was the seat of Dwarven kings, and they were rich beyond measure in gold and Mithril. But a thousand years ago, Durin’s Bane arose and drove the Dwarves from their halls. The city fell into darkness, becoming an abode of Orcs, Goblins – and worse.
Countless Orcs perished in the Battle of Five Armies. Maybe the Halls of Durin lie empty once more. Maybe there are piles of treasure there, waiting to be claimed. Maybe Mithril still glimmers in the mines under Caradhras. Cross the dread threshold, adventurer, and delve deep!
Súčasťou príručky je obojstranná mapa a denník postavy.
Príručka je v angličtine.
Moria™ – Through the Doors of Durin is an epic campaign expansion delving into the depths of Khazad-dûm for the award-winning second edition of The One Ring™ roleplaying game (TOR), based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
Set in the years before Balin’s doomed expedition, this supplement contains a hoard of Patrons, Landmarks, foes, encounters and treasures that a Loremaster can use to construct their own adventures in Moria – from a single desperate journey in the dark to a grand campaign to retake Durin’s Halls.
For long ages, the great city of the Dwarrowdelf was the seat of Dwarven kings, and they were rich beyond measure in gold and Mithril. But a thousand years ago, Durin’s Bane arose and drove the Dwarves from their halls. The city fell into darkness, becoming an abode of Orcs, Goblins – and worse.
Countless Orcs perished in the Battle of Five Armies. Maybe the Halls of Durin lie empty once more. Maybe there are piles of treasure there, waiting to be claimed. Maybe Mithril still glimmers in the mines under Caradhras. Cross the dread threshold, adventurer, and delve deep!
Podrobnosti o vydaní
The One Ring
The One Ring
287 x 226 mm
228 stran
viazaná väzba
287 x 226 mm
228 stran
viazaná väzba
Rok vydania
Free League Publishing
Free League Publishing
Kód produktu
The One Ring RPG: Moria - Týmto Doors of Durin - hodnotenie
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