The Deck of Many Monsters 4
The Deck of Many Monsters 4
Sada The Deck of Many Monsters 4 obsahuje 33 kariet tarotovej veľkosti pre hry na hrdinov DnD (5. edícia). Každá karta má z prednej strany obrázok netvory a z opačnej sa potom nachádza referenčné informácie.
Obsah balenia: Ancient Gold Dragon(2), A Stranger Thing, Basilisk, Bulette , Chimera, Cockatrice, Darkmantle, Doppelganger, Flying Sword, Golem, Iron, Golem, Stone, Griffon, Manticore , Medusa (2), Otyugh, Rakshasa, Rug of Smothering, Shield Guardian, Werebear, Wereboar, Wererat, Weretiger , Werewolf, 5x Blank Custom Encounter Cards
Sada je v angličtine, rozmery kariet sú 70 x 120 mm.
Obsah balenia: Ancient Gold Dragon(2), A Stranger Thing, Basilisk, Bulette , Chimera, Cockatrice, Darkmantle, Doppelganger, Flying Sword, Golem, Iron, Golem, Stone, Griffon, Manticore , Medusa (2), Otyugh, Rakshasa, Rug of Smothering, Shield Guardian, Werebear, Wereboar, Wererat, Weretiger , Werewolf, 5x Blank Custom Encounter Cards
Sada je v angličtine, rozmery kariet sú 70 x 120 mm.
Podrobnosti o tovare
Váha: cca 102 g
Deck of Many
Deck of Many
Herná rodina
The Deck of Many Monsters
The Deck of Many Monsters
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