Tannhäuser: Mizu
Tannhäuser: Mizu
Figúrkovej rozšírenie hry Tannhäuser , ktoré prináša tzv. Epického hrdinu.
"officially an" international liason "for the Shōgunate, Mizu Kage prefers to conduct hier diplomacy with Willow and Winding Stream, hier deadly sai blades. She has twice saved" the Daimyo "from certain death and three times taken down misguided Reich soldiers who thought to betray their tentative alliance with the Shōgunate. Now charged to collect information that the Shōgunate 's Reich allies have been withholding, Mizu works Toward the completion of hier task like a whisper of wind through the night trees. With hier sai, shuriken, and Happy, she can decide to tread a path of blood or conduct an Infiltration, unseen and Unheard. As a member of the Shōgunate, Mizu may partner with forces from the Reich, according to the Nippon Accords, or she may feature in a team made exclusively from Shōgunate characters. "
Obsah balenia : farbená miniatúra, karta postavy, 12 hracích žetónov, 10 kariet vybavenie, dvanásťstranové anglická pravidlá, scenár, výzvy určené pre Mizu.
"officially an" international liason "for the Shōgunate, Mizu Kage prefers to conduct hier diplomacy with Willow and Winding Stream, hier deadly sai blades. She has twice saved" the Daimyo "from certain death and three times taken down misguided Reich soldiers who thought to betray their tentative alliance with the Shōgunate. Now charged to collect information that the Shōgunate 's Reich allies have been withholding, Mizu works Toward the completion of hier task like a whisper of wind through the night trees. With hier sai, shuriken, and Happy, she can decide to tread a path of blood or conduct an Infiltration, unseen and Unheard. As a member of the Shōgunate, Mizu may partner with forces from the Reich, according to the Nippon Accords, or she may feature in a team made exclusively from Shōgunate characters. "
Obsah balenia : farbená miniatúra, karta postavy, 12 hracích žetónov, 10 kariet vybavenie, dvanásťstranové anglická pravidlá, scenár, výzvy určené pre Mizu.
Podrobnosti o tovare
Váha: cca 1400 g
Andrew Meredith
Andrew Meredith
Pravidlá: Angličtina
Pravidlá: Angličtina
Kód produktu