Pathfinder (druhá edice): Character Sheet Pack
Sada obsahuje obojstranné záznamy postáv pre hru na hrdinov Pathfinder RPG (druhá edícia). V balení nájdete listy pre všetkých 12 tried zo základných pravidiel Pathfinder či napr. Hárky na sledovanie vybavenia a kúziel.
Sada je v angličtine.
Get the most out of your Pathfinder heroes with these gorgeously designed black-and-white character sheets designed for ease of use and high in-game utility! With a specially designed two-sided character sheet for each of the 12 character classes in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and additional sheets for tracking equipment and spells, there 's no better way to bring a touch of class to your character' s life!
Collected into a special folder with flaps for easy care of character sheets, handouts, and more, the Pathfinder Character Sheet Pack has what you need to get the most out of your Pathfinder Second Edition hero!
Sada je v angličtine.
Get the most out of your Pathfinder heroes with these gorgeously designed black-and-white character sheets designed for ease of use and high in-game utility! With a specially designed two-sided character sheet for each of the 12 character classes in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and additional sheets for tracking equipment and spells, there 's no better way to bring a touch of class to your character' s life!
Collected into a special folder with flaps for easy care of character sheets, handouts, and more, the Pathfinder Character Sheet Pack has what you need to get the most out of your Pathfinder Second Edition hero!
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Príručky Pathfinder
Príručky Pathfinder
brožovaná väzba
brožovaná väzba
Rok vydania
Paizo Publishing
Paizo Publishing
Kód produktu
Zaradené do kategórií
Hry na hrdinov (RPG) Hry na hrdinov Fantasy RPG Pathfinder 2e Príručky Pathfinder
Výrobcovia Hry Paizo Publishing
Hry na hrdinov (RPG) Hry na hrdinov Fantasy RPG Pathfinder 2e Príručky Pathfinder
Výrobcovia Hry Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder (druhá edice): Character Sheet Pack - hodnotenie