Mutant Chronicles RPG: Mutants & Heretics Source Book
Mutants & Heretics Source Book je rozširujúca príručka pre hru na hrdinov Mutant Chronicles RPG (tretia edícia).
Kniha je v angličtine, brožovaná.
Power Unrivalled
Hidden medzi shadows opustenými budovami a crawling cez veľké bowls city sú misunderstood a korrupt, to twisted mutants a insane heretiky, ktoré sa hide z Light.
Je to spoločný muž na ulici, mutants sú contemptible a Heretics. But what are mutants really? Alebo tie vily by boli produktom z Dark Legion's influence, alebo something else entirely? And what can be said of the true prírody of a Heretic? Sú tieto muži a ženy born, aby sa šírili darkness, navrhnutý pre oči, alebo sú nejaké kreslenie na moc, ktorá sa nachádza v hromádkach turning it proti itself?
Heretics: What motivates a Heretic? Alebo všetky purele evil intent, alebo do shades of moral grey indeed exist? Is it really possible for a human to walk the razor's edge between Darkness and Light?
Mutants: What sparks mutation and what does it truly entail? Learn the truth o ich twisted DNA a intrinsic power, ktorý to brings to tieto enigmatic beings.
The Ancients: Strange vaults and undisclosed finds amongst the stars have led to advanced relics and unidentified ruins. But what ancient race left them behind? And to what purpose?
Vast Powers: Despite relentless persecution, mutants majú byť schopný zachytiť z brotherhood a agentov z apoštolov. Discover immense powers that allow them to stay one step ahead.
Kniha je v angličtine, brožovaná.
Power Unrivalled
Hidden medzi shadows opustenými budovami a crawling cez veľké bowls city sú misunderstood a korrupt, to twisted mutants a insane heretiky, ktoré sa hide z Light.
Je to spoločný muž na ulici, mutants sú contemptible a Heretics. But what are mutants really? Alebo tie vily by boli produktom z Dark Legion's influence, alebo something else entirely? And what can be said of the true prírody of a Heretic? Sú tieto muži a ženy born, aby sa šírili darkness, navrhnutý pre oči, alebo sú nejaké kreslenie na moc, ktorá sa nachádza v hromádkach turning it proti itself?
Heretics: What motivates a Heretic? Alebo všetky purele evil intent, alebo do shades of moral grey indeed exist? Is it really possible for a human to walk the razor's edge between Darkness and Light?
Mutants: What sparks mutation and what does it truly entail? Learn the truth o ich twisted DNA a intrinsic power, ktorý to brings to tieto enigmatic beings.
The Ancients: Strange vaults and undisclosed finds amongst the stars have led to advanced relics and unidentified ruins. But what ancient race left them behind? And to what purpose?
Vast Powers: Despite relentless persecution, mutants majú byť schopný zachytiť z brotherhood a agentov z apoštolov. Discover immense powers that allow them to stay one step ahead.
Podrobnosti o vydaní
brožovaná väzba
brožovaná väzba
Rok vydania
Modiphius Entertainment
Modiphius Entertainment
Kód produktu