Musketeers vs. Cthulhu
Musketeers vs. Cthulhu je dobrodružstvo inšpirované spismi Claudia Christian & Chris McAuley a využívajúci sadu pravidiel Chaosium 'Call of Cthulhu', kde sa snúbi šmrnc legendy o troch mušketieroch s hrôzou mýtu Cthulhu.
Pripoj sa k radom mušketierov, ktorí budú čeliť tajným sprisahaniam a dvorským intrigám. Nastal čas odvážnych činov proti zlu. Je čas na mušketiery vs. Cthulhu.
Príručka obsahuje:
Príručka je v angličtine. Join the ranks of the Musketeers as they face off against eldritch plots and courtly intrigues. The time has come for daring deeds against impossible foes. It is time for Musketeers vs. Cthulhu.
Musketeers vs. Cthulhu is a brand new tabletop RPG inspired by the writings of Claudia Christian & Chris McAuley and using Chaosium's 'Call of Cthulhu' ruleset. In their short story, as part of The Musketeers vs. Cthulhu in the Court of King Louis Anthology, Claudia and Chris have melded the swashbuckling of The Three Musketeers legend with the horror of the Cthulhu Mythos.
A perfect setting for a tabletop roleplaying book
This is a 112 page A5-sized hardback book, which includes a full Musketeers vs. Cthulhu adventure and everything you need to play Musketeers in any Call of Cthulhu setting :
Pripoj sa k radom mušketierov, ktorí budú čeliť tajným sprisahaniam a dvorským intrigám. Nastal čas odvážnych činov proti zlu. Je čas na mušketiery vs. Cthulhu.
Príručka obsahuje:
- Karty postáv troch mušketierov: Porthosa, Aramisa alebo Athosa.
- Pravidlá na vytvorenie vlastných mušketierov.
- 3 stránky bojových manévrov.
- 10 strán spojencov, nepriateľov a monštier.
- Štatistiky pre muškety, kresadlové zámky a ďalšie zbrane 17. storočia.
- Dva nové príbehy Mythos (Esuugatské tablety a Tretí Šalamúnov kľúč).
- A štvordielnu kampaň, kde sa vy, mušketieri, snažíte udržať Shining Trapezohedron pred pazúrmi Nyarlathotepa.
Príručka je v angličtine. Join the ranks of the Musketeers as they face off against eldritch plots and courtly intrigues. The time has come for daring deeds against impossible foes. It is time for Musketeers vs. Cthulhu.
Musketeers vs. Cthulhu is a brand new tabletop RPG inspired by the writings of Claudia Christian & Chris McAuley and using Chaosium's 'Call of Cthulhu' ruleset. In their short story, as part of The Musketeers vs. Cthulhu in the Court of King Louis Anthology, Claudia and Chris have melded the swashbuckling of The Three Musketeers legend with the horror of the Cthulhu Mythos.
A perfect setting for a tabletop roleplaying book
This is a 112 page A5-sized hardback book, which includes a full Musketeers vs. Cthulhu adventure and everything you need to play Musketeers in any Call of Cthulhu setting :
- Pick-up & play pregenerated character sheets, that enable you to play as one of the three Musketeers: Porthos, Aramis or Athos
- Rules to create your own Musketeers
- 3 pages of all new combat manoeuvres
- 10 pages of allies, enemies and monsters
- Stats for Muskets, Flintlocks and other weapons of the 17th century
- Two new Mythos times (The Esuugat Tablets and the Third Key of Solomon)
- PLUS: A four-part campaign where you, the Musketeers are attempting to keep the Shining Trapezohedron from the clawed hands of Nyarlathotep
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Raritné fantasy RPG
Raritné fantasy RPG
155 x 217 mm
112 stran
viazaná väzba
155 x 217 mm
112 stran
viazaná väzba
Rok vydania
Kód produktu
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