Invisible Sun - Teratology
Invisible Sun - Teratology je príručka a beštiár pre surrealistickou hru na hrdinov Invisible Sun .
Príručka je v angličtine.
Invisible Sun is a roleplaying game of surreal fantasy. The player characters are vislae-wielders of magical power-recently returned to their true home: the Actuality, a world that seems like a surreal dream to those of us toiling aimlessly in the boring, grey realm you and I falsely believe is the real world . These characters face incredible challenges, visit breathtaking places, and discover secrets So astonishing that the only ones who can cope with them are those who understand the truth that powers the universe: Magic.
Magic: A power that can be pursued, studied, and even Mastered, but never completely understood or controlled. It is fluid, unpredictable, and ever nuanced in effect. Its secrets are Boundless. But that does not mean it is without rules and methods. There are four orders, major schools of magical thought and training. Vances study their spells carefully, believing they are, in their own way, intelligent in and of themselves. Makers, as the name suggests, use magic to create powerful items. Weavers cast spells with a fluid and improvisational sort of sorcery. Goetics use their magical skills to summon demons, angels, and other creatures to do their bidding. Outside of the four orders, apostates are vislae who find their own paths and methods for wielding the power of magic, rejecting the hierarchies of the orders.
It is a rare vislae who does not have a house. Your house is as integral to your being as your spells or character stats. The houses of vislae are often haunted, filled with mysterious unknown rooms, bigger on the inside, or possessed of their own intelligence. And in Satyrine, a house is defined as múch by what goes on around it as by the contents of its walls (assuming, of course, that a vislae 's house even has walls). Local personalities, sites of interest (or danger), organizations or Factions, and ongoing conflicts all affect a vislae 's house and life. And all of this is determined as part of the character creation process.
Príručka je v angličtine.
Invisible Sun is a roleplaying game of surreal fantasy. The player characters are vislae-wielders of magical power-recently returned to their true home: the Actuality, a world that seems like a surreal dream to those of us toiling aimlessly in the boring, grey realm you and I falsely believe is the real world . These characters face incredible challenges, visit breathtaking places, and discover secrets So astonishing that the only ones who can cope with them are those who understand the truth that powers the universe: Magic.
Magic: A power that can be pursued, studied, and even Mastered, but never completely understood or controlled. It is fluid, unpredictable, and ever nuanced in effect. Its secrets are Boundless. But that does not mean it is without rules and methods. There are four orders, major schools of magical thought and training. Vances study their spells carefully, believing they are, in their own way, intelligent in and of themselves. Makers, as the name suggests, use magic to create powerful items. Weavers cast spells with a fluid and improvisational sort of sorcery. Goetics use their magical skills to summon demons, angels, and other creatures to do their bidding. Outside of the four orders, apostates are vislae who find their own paths and methods for wielding the power of magic, rejecting the hierarchies of the orders.
It is a rare vislae who does not have a house. Your house is as integral to your being as your spells or character stats. The houses of vislae are often haunted, filled with mysterious unknown rooms, bigger on the inside, or possessed of their own intelligence. And in Satyrine, a house is defined as múch by what goes on around it as by the contents of its walls (assuming, of course, that a vislae 's house even has walls). Local personalities, sites of interest (or danger), organizations or Factions, and ongoing conflicts all affect a vislae 's house and life. And all of this is determined as part of the character creation process.
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Raritné fantasy RPG
Raritné fantasy RPG
viazaná väzba
viazaná väzba
Rok vydania
Monte Cook
Monte Cook
Kód produktu
Zaradené do kategórií
Hry na hrdinov (RPG) Fantasy RPG Raritné fantasy RPG
Výrobcovia Ostatní Monte Cook
Hry na hrdinov (RPG) Fantasy RPG Raritné fantasy RPG
Výrobcovia Ostatní Monte Cook
Fotografie od zákazníkov
Invisible Sun - Teratology - hodnotenie
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Nedokážem popísať aké veci sú v tejto knihe. Príbehy k mkonštrám o pôvode a podobne, nádherný art. Kúpil som ju pre inšpiráciu do mojich DnD hier pre encounters a musím povedať neľutujem jedinej koruny.
Je toto hodnotenie prínosné? ÁNO (1)Je toho fakt veľa a úžasne spracované. Čo sa týka tématiky tak tieto majú skorej dark/creppy vibe. Keď nie pre hranie Invisible Sun tak určite pre hry s temnejšou atmosférou.
Pokiaľ u chcete použiť pre niečo iné, bolo by vhodné vedieť aj mechaniky Invisible sun aby ste lepšie mohli prepracovať tieto monštrá do inej, danej hry.
Pokiaľ chcete vážne dobrú inšpiráciu, this is the one.