Heart The City Beneath
Heart The City Beneath je príručka pre hru na hrdinov z prostredia desivého podmestia.
Príručka je v angličtine.
Heart The City Beneath je tabletop roleplaying game o delving do nightmare undercity, ktorý sa chystá uveriť, že ste schopní stratiť alebo stratiť proces. Je to dungeon-crawling, story-forward tabletop RPG z dizajnérov Spire, ktoré sa zameriavajú na to, čo charakterizuje losos v pursuit ich snemov v chaotic darkness beneath the world.
WHAT'S IN THE BOOK? Full rules for playing and running games of Heart; Nine strange character classes and five dangerous callings; 21 Zenith Abilities, ultimate expressions of power, all all of which kill the user when activated; Over 50 landmarks to explore such as predatory pubs, entropy machines, community centres in churches devoted to forbidden gods, cursed underground stations, vast subterranean forests and portals to multiple heavens; Over 30 adversaries to avoid, put down or get killed by such ako cannibalistic Butcher, pathetic Feral Psychopomp, mad stromy, vlak worshippers, burnt-out occultists a Flightless Owl Hives; Over 40 nádherné full-colour illustrations by Felix Miall; Extenzívne gamesmaster advice section with guidance for all experience levels.
Sharing setting with Spire, Heart expands unreal world beneath it. Je použitá expandovaná a aktualizovaná verzia systému Resistance, mechanizmy, ktoré poháňajú Spire, ktoré pomáhajú tell skladom desperation, hubris a dobrodružstvo v City Beneath.
Príručka je v angličtine.
Heart The City Beneath je tabletop roleplaying game o delving do nightmare undercity, ktorý sa chystá uveriť, že ste schopní stratiť alebo stratiť proces. Je to dungeon-crawling, story-forward tabletop RPG z dizajnérov Spire, ktoré sa zameriavajú na to, čo charakterizuje losos v pursuit ich snemov v chaotic darkness beneath the world.
WHAT'S IN THE BOOK? Full rules for playing and running games of Heart; Nine strange character classes and five dangerous callings; 21 Zenith Abilities, ultimate expressions of power, all all of which kill the user when activated; Over 50 landmarks to explore such as predatory pubs, entropy machines, community centres in churches devoted to forbidden gods, cursed underground stations, vast subterranean forests and portals to multiple heavens; Over 30 adversaries to avoid, put down or get killed by such ako cannibalistic Butcher, pathetic Feral Psychopomp, mad stromy, vlak worshippers, burnt-out occultists a Flightless Owl Hives; Over 40 nádherné full-colour illustrations by Felix Miall; Extenzívne gamesmaster advice section with guidance for all experience levels.
Sharing setting with Spire, Heart expands unreal world beneath it. Je použitá expandovaná a aktualizovaná verzia systému Resistance, mechanizmy, ktoré poháňajú Spire, ktoré pomáhajú tell skladom desperation, hubris a dobrodružstvo v City Beneath.
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Raritné fantasy RPG
Raritné fantasy RPG
222 x 286 mm
220 stran
viazaná väzba
222 x 286 mm
220 stran
viazaná väzba
Rok vydania
Kód produktu
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