Echoes From Fomalhaut 02: Gont, Nest of Spies
Druhý diel fanzínu Echoes From Fomalhaut 02: Gont, Nest of Spies pre klasické oldschoolové hry na hrdinov.
Príručka je v angličtine.
Obsah príručky:
Príručka je v angličtine.
Obsah príručky:
- A 44-page fanzín zúčastňujúci sa dobrodružstiev a GM-friendly campaign materials pre Advanced old-school RPG rules, s tvorbou Denis McCarthy, Matthew J. Finch, Stefan Poag, Andrew Walter and more. This issue contains...
- The Four Wives of Xantun: fantasy scenario in the Dreamlands – čo majú mesto mesta Hlanith, čo sa chystá urobiť s láskou, a čo je to o týchto kvetoch?
- A Guide do Erillion: na začiatok Isle of Erillion a vanilla fantasy mini-campaign setting.
- Eldritch Experiments: what happens when the PCs find an abandoned laboratory and start experimenting?
- Does Energy Drain Suck? (and what to do about it)
- Gont, Nest of Spies: všetko nie je, čo je sems v prístavnom meste Gont. Features adventure hooks, 21 keyed locations, treacherous NPCs a veľa spôsobov, ako dostať do rúry.
- Down the Smugglers’ Walk: the tunels and dungeons beneath Gont, and the secrets they harbour. 40 keyed locations from underground fighting rings to gateways to other worlds!
- The Swine Lord: a malé wilderness scenario hľadajúce údolia s unwholesome reputation, a to, čo by bolo bothered by to. 11 keyed locations.
- Also... a fold-out players’ máp of Isle of Erillion, and of the town of Gont!
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Raritné fantasy RPG
Raritné fantasy RPG
44 stran
brožovaná väzba
44 stran
brožovaná väzba
Rok vydania
First Hungarian d20 Society
First Hungarian d20 Society
Echoes From Fomalhaut
Echoes From Fomalhaut
Kód produktu
Knihy zo série Echoes From Fomalhaut
- 1. Echoes From Fomalhaut 01: Beware the Beekeeper!
- 2. Echoes From Fomalhaut 02: Gont, Nest of Spies - práve si prezeráte
- 3. Echoes From Fomalhaut 03: Blood, Death and Tourism
- 4. Echoes From Fomalhaut 04: Revenge of the Frogs
- 5. Echoes From Fomalhaut 05: The Enchantment of Vashundara
- 6. Echoes From Fomalhaut 06: The Gallery of Rising Tombs
- 7. Echoes From Fomalhaut 07: From Beneath the Glacier
- 8. Echoes From Fomalhaut 08: Welcome to Castle Sullogh
- 9. Echoes From Fomalhaut 09: Beyond the Gates of Sorrow
- 10. Echoes From Fomalhaut 10: Guests of the Beggar King
- 11. Echoes From Fomalhaut 11: On Windswept Shores
- 12. Echoes From Fomalhaut 12: Treasures of the Necropolis
Echoes From Fomalhaut 02: Gont, Nest of Spies - hodnotenie
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