Cypher System Stay Alive!
S príručkou pre hry na hrdinov Cypher System Stay Alive! sa môžete pustiť do hororových dobrodružstiev všetkého druhu, či už budete hrať v lovecraftovském svete alebo sa chystáte rozpútať zombie apokalypsu!
Príručka je v angličtine.
It 'the abandoned corridor, the flickering light never quite reaching the Deeper shadows. It 'that cry in the distance - a child' s wail, or some weird animal bleating? It 'the gentle breath on the neck, or that slithering motion just past the edge of the light. It 'horror, and whether it' s a Terrifying one-shot adventure, an entire campaign fighting against the darkness, or an edge of tension added to a more conventional adventure, it makes for great roleplaying experiences.
Build an entire campaign battling Lovecraftian Cults or Surviving the zombie apocalypse. Run one-shots that pit the players against masked Slashers, crawling xenomorphs, or sinister spirits. Or just get the most fun out of your Lich queen and her minions at the lowest depths of your dungeon. No matter how you use horror at your table, this book gives you all the tools you need to create hair-raising game sessions and nail-Biting campaigns.
Príručka je v angličtine.
It 'the abandoned corridor, the flickering light never quite reaching the Deeper shadows. It 'that cry in the distance - a child' s wail, or some weird animal bleating? It 'the gentle breath on the neck, or that slithering motion just past the edge of the light. It 'horror, and whether it' s a Terrifying one-shot adventure, an entire campaign fighting against the darkness, or an edge of tension added to a more conventional adventure, it makes for great roleplaying experiences.
Build an entire campaign battling Lovecraftian Cults or Surviving the zombie apocalypse. Run one-shots that pit the players against masked Slashers, crawling xenomorphs, or sinister spirits. Or just get the most fun out of your Lich queen and her minions at the lowest depths of your dungeon. No matter how you use horror at your table, this book gives you all the tools you need to create hair-raising game sessions and nail-Biting campaigns.
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Cypher System RPG
Cypher System RPG
viazaná väzba
viazaná väzba
Rok vydania
Monte Cook
Monte Cook
Kód produktu
Zaradené do kategórií
Hry na hrdinov (RPG) Hry na hrdinov Multižánrové RPG systémy Cypher System RPG
Výrobcovia Ostatní Monte Cook
Hry na hrdinov (RPG) Hry na hrdinov Multižánrové RPG systémy Cypher System RPG
Výrobcovia Ostatní Monte Cook
Cypher System Stay Alive! - hodnotenie
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