Companion To Narnia
Spoznajte tie najmenšie detaily a súvislosti sveta Narnia. V tomto bohato ilustrovanom sprievodcovi nájdete opis postáv, miest i udalostí. S knihou Companion To Narnia sa už nikdy vo svete za skriňou nestratíte. Kniha v anglickom jazyku.
This Peerless companion has served as an adventurer 's passport to the land of Narnia for twenty-five years and was used by the cast and crew of the major motion picture The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. From Aslan, the Great Lion, to Zardeenah, the mysterious lady of the night, this comprehensive, accessible book contains hundreds of abecedne arranged and indexed entries covering all the characters, events, places, and themes that Lewis brilliantly wove into his timeless and magical world.
This Peerless companion has served as an adventurer 's passport to the land of Narnia for twenty-five years and was used by the cast and crew of the major motion picture The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. From Aslan, the Great Lion, to Zardeenah, the mysterious lady of the night, this comprehensive, accessible book contains hundreds of abecedne arranged and indexed entries covering all the characters, events, places, and themes that Lewis brilliantly wove into his timeless and magical world.
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Knihy v angličtine
Knihy v angličtine
135 x 203 mm
580 stran
brožovaná väzba
135 x 203 mm
580 stran
brožovaná väzba
Rok vydania
Kód produktu
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Knihy a komiksy Knihy Knihy v angličtine
Knihy a komiksy Knihy Odborná a náučná Sprievodcovia, obrazové publikácie
Knihy a komiksy Knihy Knihy v angličtine
Knihy a komiksy Knihy Odborná a náučná Sprievodcovia, obrazové publikácie