Hrady a krížové výpravy: O bohoch a príšerách
Hrady a krížové výpravy: O bohoch a príšerách
Castles and Crusades: Of Gods and Monsters je príručka pre hru na hrdinov Castles and Crusades.
Táto kniha plná bohov a mágie opisuje 16 božských panteónu (severský, grécky, rímsky, indiánsky a mnoho ďalších) a s nimi spojené mýty, kúzla, rituály, apod.
Kniha je v angličtine, má pevnú väzbu a 164 strán.
Mythic Epics are the driving force behind fantasy role playing games! Castles & Crusades is no exception. Here for the first time C & C branches out into the éter and brings you OF Gods & Monsters a book we guarantee you ll want and use. Written by James M. Ward this book stands along side the Monsters & Treasure as a tremendous resource for adventure and fun.
James M. Ward returns to a subject he knows very well and delivering a plethora of information on hosts of gods, godlings, heroes and the magic that drives them. In Of Gods & Monsters Mr. Ward explores over 16 pantheons including Norse, Greek, Roman, American Indian, Aihrdian, Inzaen, demi-human pantheons and more. Beyond a simple recitation of deities, Of Gods & Monsters present playable incarnations of the gods in the Guise of their own avatars. The DEFT and experienced hand of Mr. Ward explores spells, magic items, Rituals and more.
Castle Keepers need not struggle with characters encountering all powerful deities, but rather they can use the avatars to spice up and drive adventures of the Mythic and the divine. These avatars and designed to be playable version of the gods, but not the gods themselves. Complimented with Mythic monsters and holy items Of Gods & Monsters is a must have for any serious CK.
But its not for the CK alone. Players find loads of information from hosts of new Cleric and druid spells to Rituals of the divine. Clerics, Druids, Paladins, Bards and all the characters benefit from Of Gods & Monsters.
Graced with a beautiful painting by Peter 20 Dollar Bradley, lined with Hordes of pictures of the gods themselves, Of Gods & Monsters is a perfect Compliment to the ever growing C & C game system.
Kniha je v angličtine, má pevnú väzbu a 164 strán.
Mythic Epics are the driving force behind fantasy role playing games! Castles & Crusades is no exception. Here for the first time C & C branches out into the éter and brings you OF Gods & Monsters a book we guarantee you ll want and use. Written by James M. Ward this book stands along side the Monsters & Treasure as a tremendous resource for adventure and fun.
James M. Ward returns to a subject he knows very well and delivering a plethora of information on hosts of gods, godlings, heroes and the magic that drives them. In Of Gods & Monsters Mr. Ward explores over 16 pantheons including Norse, Greek, Roman, American Indian, Aihrdian, Inzaen, demi-human pantheons and more. Beyond a simple recitation of deities, Of Gods & Monsters present playable incarnations of the gods in the Guise of their own avatars. The DEFT and experienced hand of Mr. Ward explores spells, magic items, Rituals and more.
Castle Keepers need not struggle with characters encountering all powerful deities, but rather they can use the avatars to spice up and drive adventures of the Mythic and the divine. These avatars and designed to be playable version of the gods, but not the gods themselves. Complimented with Mythic monsters and holy items Of Gods & Monsters is a must have for any serious CK.
But its not for the CK alone. Players find loads of information from hosts of new Cleric and druid spells to Rituals of the divine. Clerics, Druids, Paladins, Bards and all the characters benefit from Of Gods & Monsters.
Graced with a beautiful painting by Peter 20 Dollar Bradley, lined with Hordes of pictures of the gods themselves, Of Gods & Monsters is a perfect Compliment to the ever growing C & C game system.
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Zaradené do kategórií
Hry na hrdinov (RPG) Hry na hrdinov Fantasy RPG Castles & Crusades
Výrobcovia Ostatní Troll Lord Games
Hry na hrdinov (RPG) Hry na hrdinov Fantasy RPG Castles & Crusades
Výrobcovia Ostatní Troll Lord Games
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