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Castles and Crusades: Monsters and Treasure

Castles and Crusades: Monsters and Treasure
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Tabuľka veľkostí
● Odevy sa merajú položené na stole.
● Šírku hrudníka meriame pod rukávmi, dĺžku od ramena.
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K Myslivně 2362/9
708 00

Otevírací doba
pondělí-pátek 11 - 17

Castles and Crusades: Monsters and Treasure

Castles and Crusades: Monsters and Treasure je príručka pre hru na hrdinov Castles and Crusades, ktorá popisuje veľa nebezpečných netvorov aj lákavých pokladov pre dobrodruhov.
Kniha je v angličtine, má pevnú väzbu a 128 strán.
The latest incarnation of the C & C Monsters & Treasure debuts a new look, with more interior art, expanded index and some rules clarifications. Upon the Edge of Battle Lie the Spoils of Glory Upon wind-swept Battlefields, they seek their glory. With weapons of steel, stout shields, and sorcery, they drive ever Onward, seeking the grandeur of conflict with creatures of terrible wrath or beasts of legiend. In all hours of every day, they Gird themselves for war and struggle, to drive those evil beings of foul intent to doom and oblivion. But before glory can be obtained, before fame and Riches can be won by these heroes of Renown, they must face and overcome those that would oppose them-monsters.
After the battles have ended, and the Deeds of valor and Renown have been performed, there is often wealth found at the feet of victory. All creatures hold certain things dear, and beasts, overcome in battle, yield the fruit of their lives to those bold and skilled enough to take them. Ancient scrolls, magic Swords, shields of wonder, potions, rings, magic wands, and Untold wealth in mince, gems, and jewels ... all of these things are a salve to ease the sting of Wounds suffered in hard-won battles.
Castles & Crusades Monsters and Treasure is a core rule book for the Castles & Crusades Role Playing Game. It is designed to be used with the Castles & Crusades Player 's Handbook. In it, you will find a wealth of information about roleplaying monsters, handling combat with monsters, creating monsters and defining and awarding treasures. Monsters & Treasure is divided into two parts.
Part One brings to you, the Castle Keeper, a hosť of monsters that you can use to populate your adventures and your campaign world. Listed abecedy, they include monsters like the ever popular dragons, orcs, and giants, as well as unusual creatures like the chimera, the lamia, and the shambling MOUND. Each monštier is fully described, kompletní s important statistics, for your ease of use.
Part Two deals with the adventurer 's favorite topic: treasure. For your referencie, this section discusses specific treasures that can be found by brave and Enterprising Adventurers, and provides advice about how to award them. This section also contains a discussion about the mundane or extraordinary items that can COMPRIS treasure, rules for the creation of magic items in Castles & Crusades, and random treasure charts to serve as an aid for the Castle Keeper.

Podrobnosti o vydaní

Castles & Crusades
128 stran
viazaná väzba
Troll Lord Games
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