Hrady a krížové výpravy: Príručka správcu
Hrady a krížové výpravy: Príručka správcu
Príručka Castles and Crusades: Keeper 's Guide obsahuje všetko potrebné pre Game Mastera (Keepera) k hre na hrdinov Castles and Crusades.
Kniha je v angličtine, v pevnej väzbe a má 310 strán.
The Castle Keeper 's Guide is the 3rd of 4 core books offered for the Castles & Crusades fantasy role playing game. This guide expands upon the C & C core rules already presented in the Players Handbook, Monsters & Treasure and Of Gods & Monsters (due Summer 2009). By presenting multiple variants of multiple rules the CKG presents both the novice and veteran gamer the tools that they often need to expand and develop the game. The CKG is a toolbox for gamers, filled with guidelines and rules as well as notes on directions for design, all laid out for the Crusader to enhance their game.
Whether you'Ve playing for years, or just recently joined the Crusade the rules presented here will help you in both preparation for games to come and give you the necessary tools to deal with almost any scenario that develops at the gaming table.
A sample of what you will find in the CKG:
The attributes deconstructed, how to vyladit and mold them for your game the core classes expanded beyond 12th level Designing and roleplaying new races Equipment: outfitting for a setting, saving throws, usage, costs Alternate magic systems The NPC: how to run them, hire them, loyalty and more Monsters and Magic as NPC The Crusade in the future: guns, canon and more The World Above: over view of outdoor campaigns The World Below: over view of underground campaigns The Characters, gaining levels, land and more treasure The Siege Engine, breaking it down for your table
And so very much more ...
Kniha je v angličtine, v pevnej väzbe a má 310 strán.
The Castle Keeper 's Guide is the 3rd of 4 core books offered for the Castles & Crusades fantasy role playing game. This guide expands upon the C & C core rules already presented in the Players Handbook, Monsters & Treasure and Of Gods & Monsters (due Summer 2009). By presenting multiple variants of multiple rules the CKG presents both the novice and veteran gamer the tools that they often need to expand and develop the game. The CKG is a toolbox for gamers, filled with guidelines and rules as well as notes on directions for design, all laid out for the Crusader to enhance their game.
Whether you'Ve playing for years, or just recently joined the Crusade the rules presented here will help you in both preparation for games to come and give you the necessary tools to deal with almost any scenario that develops at the gaming table.
A sample of what you will find in the CKG:
The attributes deconstructed, how to vyladit and mold them for your game the core classes expanded beyond 12th level Designing and roleplaying new races Equipment: outfitting for a setting, saving throws, usage, costs Alternate magic systems The NPC: how to run them, hire them, loyalty and more Monsters and Magic as NPC The Crusade in the future: guns, canon and more The World Above: over view of outdoor campaigns The World Below: over view of underground campaigns The Characters, gaining levels, land and more treasure The Siege Engine, breaking it down for your table
And so very much more ...
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Zaradené do kategórií
Hry na hrdinov (RPG) Hry na hrdinov Fantasy RPG Castles & Crusades
Výrobcovia Ostatní Troll Lord Games
Hry na hrdinov (RPG) Hry na hrdinov Fantasy RPG Castles & Crusades
Výrobcovia Ostatní Troll Lord Games
Hrady a krížové výpravy: Príručka správcu - hodnotenie
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