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Hrady a krížové výpravy: Rozbitá noc

Hrady a krížové výpravy: Rozbitá noc
Nedostupné Je nám ľúto, ale tovar momentálne nie je k dispozícii ani u nás, ani u dodávateľa.

Tabuľka veľkostí
● Odevy sa merajú položené na stole.
● Šírku hrudníka meriame pod rukávmi, dĺžku od ramena.
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K Myslivně 2362/9
708 00

Otevírací doba
pondělí-pátek 11 - 17

Hrady a krížové výpravy: Rozbitá noc

A Shattered Night je príručka s dobrodružstvom pre hru na hrdinov Castles and Crusades. Dobrodružstvo je určené družine 3 až 5 postáv okolo štvrtej až šiestej úrovne.
Tento modul bol inšpirovaný piesňou 'SIXTEENTH Century Greensleeves' (Richie Blackmore's, album Rainbow).
Kniha je v angličtine a má 24 strán.
At the end of each year comes the month and holiday of Samonios, Samhain or Nos Galan Gaeaf, or Halloween. This is the time when the worlds are Drawn together and monsters, gods and the spirits of Ancestors wander between them. It is a dangerous and dark time in which the most holy and sacred of ideas mean more than they ever have before in the previous year. It is a time for the Dead and to honor them. Night of Spirits plunges you into the heart of Nos Galan Gaeaf, bringing your characters face to face with the Otherworld and the true Horrors of the holiday! Night of Spirits is an adventure for 3-5 characters of around 4th-6th level.
Ælfwic is a cold hearted Prince with designs on the royal blood of Penllyn. To this end he sent his Brutes abroad to seize the Princess Gwerfyl and bring hier to him. They stole into hier castle and there overtook hier guards and bore hier off into the dark. She Fought, but to no avail, for with them were strange magics and a haunt of weirdling power. Many followed the trail, taken up after a father 's desperate call, but few returned, and none with the Princess.
And she Vanished into the east, prisoner of a Prince most foul, to lie in the Dungeons of hier Captor, bereft of hope.
A Shattered Night is complex adventure of Intrigue, and Espionage. It involves a wild hunt across ancient forests to find the Princess. But once done, its no easy task to free hier. The force of arms carries an adventurer far, but at times stealth and care carry them further. The game is afoot!
Set in a semi-historical mythical Post-Roman Britain, in the Mercia and the east Saxon kingdoms, A Shattered Night has a strong element of the Faery-folk and druidic magic about it. This module can be easily placed in the Airhde world setting or any other with an easy change of names.

Podrobnosti o tovare

Váha: cca 800 g
Troll Lord Games
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