Call of Cthulhu RPG 7th edition: Pulp Cthulhu
Pulp Cthulhu je príručka pre najnovšie vydanie hororové hry na hrdinov podľa diela H.P. Lovecrafta Call of Cthulhu RPG 7th edition .
Príručka je v angličtine, má 272 strán.
Pulp Cthulhu is a game of two- fisted adventure, weird science, dark Deeds, and brave heroes. With this book, some roleplaying dice, and the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook, you have everything you need to adventure and explore games set in the pulp genre.
Tired of your Investigators dying in quick succession when jaunting around the world in a desperate bid to save humanity? Wishing that sometimes your Investigator could make a stand instead of hiding and waiting for the Eldritch horror to pass? Pulp Cthulhu ups the ante and provides you with tougher, more capable heroes - ready to take on the Villainous machinations of the Cthulhu Mythos!
Príručka je v angličtine, má 272 strán.
Pulp Cthulhu is a game of two- fisted adventure, weird science, dark Deeds, and brave heroes. With this book, some roleplaying dice, and the Call of Cthulhu Rulebook, you have everything you need to adventure and explore games set in the pulp genre.
Tired of your Investigators dying in quick succession when jaunting around the world in a desperate bid to save humanity? Wishing that sometimes your Investigator could make a stand instead of hiding and waiting for the Eldritch horror to pass? Pulp Cthulhu ups the ante and provides you with tougher, more capable heroes - ready to take on the Villainous machinations of the Cthulhu Mythos!
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Call of Cthulhu RPG
Call of Cthulhu RPG
272 stran
viazaná väzba
272 stran
viazaná väzba
Rok vydania
Kód produktu
Fotografie od zákazníkov
Call of Cthulhu RPG 7th edition: Pulp Cthulhu - hodnotenie

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Zoradiť názory: najprínosnejšie
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Doplněk k 7. edici Call of Cthulhu, který z hry o strachu a šélenství udělá adrenalinem naqpumpovanou akci ve stylu Indiana Jonese nebo Mumie s Brendanem Fraserem.
Je toto hodnotenie prínosné? ÁNO (1)Věděl jsem, do čeho jdu, už když jsem objednával a kvalita mě rozhodně nezklamala.
Pravidla navíc obsahují 4 ukázková dobrodružství, takže za své peníze jsem dostal opravdu "hodně muziky".