Broodmother Skyfortress
Broodmother SkyFortress je dobrodružstvo z prostredia hry na hrdinov Lamentations of the Flame Princess. Príručka je v angličtine.
THE MOST AWESOME ADVENTURE EVER. Since invention of adventure module, tam sú len päť päť adventures, ktoré boli zhodnotené most awesome, most epic. Broodmother Sky Fortress leaves them all behind. It got these creatures that are half shark. Half elephant. All badass. Tieto lietajú okolo tejto cloudovej pevnosti, vracia sa everything v campaign until hráči step up to stop them. Its all terribly exciting! A všetky brought to you by none other than world-famous Arch-Mage of Old-School, Jeff Rients!
Ako doplnok k bonusu, ktoré zahŕňajú veľké množstvo hitov o arch-mages hračky a hracie nástroje na budovanie vášho campaign do unstoppable juggernaut môžete vždy wanted it to be. Your game wont suck anymore! Broodmother SkyFortress: Buying any other adventure is just throwing your money away.
THE MOST AWESOME ADVENTURE EVER. Since invention of adventure module, tam sú len päť päť adventures, ktoré boli zhodnotené most awesome, most epic. Broodmother Sky Fortress leaves them all behind. It got these creatures that are half shark. Half elephant. All badass. Tieto lietajú okolo tejto cloudovej pevnosti, vracia sa everything v campaign until hráči step up to stop them. Its all terribly exciting! A všetky brought to you by none other than world-famous Arch-Mage of Old-School, Jeff Rients!
Ako doplnok k bonusu, ktoré zahŕňajú veľké množstvo hitov o arch-mages hračky a hracie nástroje na budovanie vášho campaign do unstoppable juggernaut môžete vždy wanted it to be. Your game wont suck anymore! Broodmother SkyFortress: Buying any other adventure is just throwing your money away.
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Lamentations of the Flame Princess
Lamentations of the Flame Princess
153 x 217 mm
164 stran
viazaná väzba
153 x 217 mm
164 stran
viazaná väzba
Rok vydania
Kód produktu
Broodmother Skyfortress - hodnotenie
Produkt Broodmother Skyfortress zatiaľ nikto nehodnotil.