Battletech Alpha Strike
Alpha Strike je nová rýchla forma hry BattleTech, plná futuristických bojových strojov. Táto kniha prináša hráčom možnosti, ako viesť vojnu na zemi, na mori i vo vzduchu pomocou herného systému Quick-Strike, navrhnutému pre skutočne rozsiahlu hru so zachovaním existujúcej taktické úrovne BattleTechu.
Príručka je v anglickom jazyku, viazaná. For centuries, the Armies of the Great Houses have Fought to reclaim the glory of the fallen Star League, sending regiments of their elite MechWarriors into battle across hundreds of worlds as humanity slide inexorably Toward a new Dark Age. The coming of the Clans-descendants of the lost Star League army-did little to stem the slaughter. It only raised the stakes.
Kompletní s sample Armies and a ready-to-play campaign system, all you need Besides this book are dice, miniatures, and tabletop terrain to fight for control over the Inner Sphere on land, sea, and air-one world at a time!
Príručka je v anglickom jazyku, viazaná. For centuries, the Armies of the Great Houses have Fought to reclaim the glory of the fallen Star League, sending regiments of their elite MechWarriors into battle across hundreds of worlds as humanity slide inexorably Toward a new Dark Age. The coming of the Clans-descendants of the lost Star League army-did little to stem the slaughter. It only raised the stakes.
Kompletní s sample Armies and a ready-to-play campaign system, all you need Besides this book are dice, miniatures, and tabletop terrain to fight for control over the Inner Sphere on land, sea, and air-one world at a time!
Podrobnosti o vydaní
viazaná väzba
viazaná väzba
Catalyst Game Labs
Catalyst Game Labs
Kód produktu
Battletech Alpha Strike - hodnotenie

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