Android: Netrunner - Whispers in Nalubaale
Android: Netrunner - Whispers in Nalubaale
Whispers in Nalubaale je piaty dáta pack z cyklu Kitaro pre živú kartovú hru Android Netrunner. Balenie obsashuje celkom 60 kariet (20 kariet po troch kópiách).
K hre sa Vám budú hodiť obaly na karty formátu Standart Card Game ( 63x88 mm) .
Enter the SSL with Whispers in Nalubaale, the fifth Data Pack in the Kitaro Cycle for Android: Netrunner The Card Game!
Whispers in Nalubaale introduces three copies of twenty new cards for every faction, including a new Anarchy identity that gives the runner new ways to spend their vírus counters, and a risky new tool for Jinteki that pays dividends economically as it invites the runner to explore their deadly servers.
K hre sa Vám budú hodiť obaly na karty formátu Standart Card Game ( 63x88 mm) .
Enter the SSL with Whispers in Nalubaale, the fifth Data Pack in the Kitaro Cycle for Android: Netrunner The Card Game!
Whispers in Nalubaale introduces three copies of twenty new cards for every faction, including a new Anarchy identity that gives the runner new ways to spend their vírus counters, and a risky new tool for Jinteki that pays dividends economically as it invites the runner to explore their deadly servers.
Podrobnosti o tovare
Váha: cca 400 g
Fantasy Flight Games
Fantasy Flight Games
Princíp hry
Utajené rozmístění jednotek
Správa karet v ruce
Proměnlivá síla hráčů
Dostupné akční body
Deckbuilding - stavba balíčku
Utajené rozmístění jednotek
Správa karet v ruce
Proměnlivá síla hráčů
Dostupné akční body
Deckbuilding - stavba balíčku
Rok vydania
Pravidlá: Angličtina komponenty: Angličtina
Pravidlá: Angličtina komponenty: Angličtina
Kód produktu