A Song of Ice and Fire RPG - Campaign Guide
Príručka A Song of Ice and Fire RPG - Campaign Guide (celým názvom A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying Campaign Guide: A Game of Thrones Edition) je príručka pre hru na hrdinov zo sveta Game of Thrones - Hry o tróny, inšpirované slávnou ságou George RR Martina.
Toto najnovšie vydanie prichádza s aktuálnymi informáciami a prináša kompletnú históriu Siedmich kráľovstiev a mnoho ďalšieho.
Príručka je v angličtine, je viazaná a má 256 strán.
A Song of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide is your complete resource on George R.R. Martin 's Westeros. In its pages you will find a complete history of the Seven Kingdoms, from the days of the First Men to the reign to the Targaryen kings and the War of the Usurper. Its chapters cover the lands from the North to Dorna, the Iron Islands to the Stormlands, the Free Cities and beyond. Youll also find descriptions and game stats for the major players of the Game of Thrones, from the Starks and Lannisters to the Baratheons and Tyrells. This new edition revises and updates the original book, making it the indispensable guide for fans of the novels, the TV show, and the roleplaying game.
Príručka je v angličtine, je viazaná a má 256 strán.
A Song of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide is your complete resource on George R.R. Martin 's Westeros. In its pages you will find a complete history of the Seven Kingdoms, from the days of the First Men to the reign to the Targaryen kings and the War of the Usurper. Its chapters cover the lands from the North to Dorna, the Iron Islands to the Stormlands, the Free Cities and beyond. Youll also find descriptions and game stats for the major players of the Game of Thrones, from the Starks and Lannisters to the Baratheons and Tyrells. This new edition revises and updates the original book, making it the indispensable guide for fans of the novels, the TV show, and the roleplaying game.
Podrobnosti o vydaní
A Song of Ice and Fire
A Song of Ice and Fire
256 stran
viazaná väzba
256 stran
viazaná väzba
Rok vydania
Green Ronin
Green Ronin
Kód produktu
A Song of Ice and Fire RPG - Campaign Guide - hodnotenie
Produkt A Song of Ice and Fire RPG - Campaign Guide zatiaľ nikto nehodnotil.