Final Fantasy VII Remake: Traces Of Two Pasts
Final Fantasy VII Remake: Traces Of Two Pasts je anglicky písaná kniha z prostredia Final Fantasy.
Kniha je v angličtine.
Tieto pozmeňujúce a doplňujúce návrhy v dvoch častiach delves do pascí Aerith Gainsborough a Tifa Lockhart, bielych heroínov Final Fantasy VII.
Although má met only days before, during the earth-shattering sequence of events that led to their escape from Midgar, Aerith and Tifa have already formed a tentative friendship based on mutual trust and respect. Ako si to urobíte na svojej ceste s mraky, Barret, a Red XIII, dve ženy otvorené do všetkých ostatných further, exchange stories z ich pascí.
By turns exciting, humorous, a poignant, táto práca z Final Fantasy a Kingdom Hearts writer Kazushige Nojima brings greater depth k charakteru Aerith a Tifa, a do sveta Final Fantasy VII.
Kniha je v angličtine.
Tieto pozmeňujúce a doplňujúce návrhy v dvoch častiach delves do pascí Aerith Gainsborough a Tifa Lockhart, bielych heroínov Final Fantasy VII.
Although má met only days before, during the earth-shattering sequence of events that led to their escape from Midgar, Aerith and Tifa have already formed a tentative friendship based on mutual trust and respect. Ako si to urobíte na svojej ceste s mraky, Barret, a Red XIII, dve ženy otvorené do všetkých ostatných further, exchange stories z ich pascí.
By turns exciting, humorous, a poignant, táto práca z Final Fantasy a Kingdom Hearts writer Kazushige Nojima brings greater depth k charakteru Aerith a Tifa, a do sveta Final Fantasy VII.
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Zahraničné fantasy
Zahraničné fantasy
147 x 214 mm
384 stran
viazaná väzba
147 x 214 mm
384 stran
viazaná väzba
Rok vydania
Square Enix
Square Enix
Kód produktu
Final Fantasy VII Remake: Traces Of Two Pasts - hodnotenie
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