Anything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson and the Making of Middle-earth
Anything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson a Making of Middle-earth je kniha pre milovníkov filmového diela Petera Jacksona, Hobita, Pána prsteňov a Stredozeme .
Kniha je v angličtine.
Definitívna história Peter Jackson's Middle-earth sága, Anything You Can Imagine taky u nás na kinematografickej jazde cez všetky šesť filmov, čítanie zbrusu nové rozhovory s Peter, jeho cast & crew. Od najčastejších dní darujúc sa snívať, že sa dá uskutočniť, prostredníctvom vysokých a nízkych filmov, to fan adorácie a, nakoniec, Oscar glory.
A deväť rokov starý chlapec v New Zealand's Pukerua Bay sa nachádza v hornej časti a je spellbound by šesťdesiaty rok-starý pohľad na obrovský vrchol na ostrove plný dinosaurov. This is true magic. And the boy knows that he wants to be a magician.
Fast-forward dvadsať rokov a chlapec má byť prevzaté zhromaždenie cez film-going audience, konjuguje gore-splattered romps s bravura skill, ktorý bude viesť k akadémii recognition s Oscarom nomination pre Heavenly Creatures. Chlapec z Pukerua Bay s monštrámi odráža v jeho očiach, prišiel, a Hollywood sa volá. What would he like to do next? ‘How o fantasy filme, something ako The Lord of the Rings…?’
The greatest work of fantasy in modern literature, and the biggest, s rights ownership so complex it will baffle a wizard. Vast. Complex. Unfilmable. One does not simply walk do Mordor – unless you are Peter Jackson.
Anything You Can Imagine tells the full, dramatic story of how Jackson and jeho trusty fellowshipof Kiwi filmmakers dared take on quest every bit as daunting as Frodo's, and transformed JRR Tolkien's epick tale of adventure do cinematic magic, and then did it again with The Hobbit. Snažil sa s novými rozhovormi s Jacksonom, jeho jemnými filmármi a mnohými filmami hviezdy, Ian Nathan's mesmerising narrative whisks mi to Middle-earth, gaze cez hlavu riaditeľa a vytvorí impossible, unforgettable, a skúšky that film-making really is 'anything you can imagine'.
'Táto kniha truly je definitívna história filmu Lord of the Rings. Nearly every single element of productions is coverd here, from writing, to shooting, to Oscar-night jitters. Nathan's prose does exactly what you want from a book like this: it makes you feel as if you’re really there.’
‘In breezy and often cheeky prose, Nathan tells a grand story worthy of annals of great filmmaking… tam je múchej učebne, to chuckle over and to admire ako Jackson a jeho skupina indefatigable Kiwis tvárou do guľôčky.
Daily Mail
About the Author
One of the UK’s najlepšie known film písateľov, Ian Nathan je former editor a executive editor Empire Magazine, kde he remains a contributing editor. Je to author of titles including Anything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson a Making of Middle-earth, Alien Vault and biographies of Tim Burton and The Coen Brothers. To je tiež vyrobené a publikované v rôznych dokumentároch a môže byť publikované na Discovering Film series on SkyArts. He lives and works in London.
Kniha je v angličtine.
Definitívna história Peter Jackson's Middle-earth sága, Anything You Can Imagine taky u nás na kinematografickej jazde cez všetky šesť filmov, čítanie zbrusu nové rozhovory s Peter, jeho cast & crew. Od najčastejších dní darujúc sa snívať, že sa dá uskutočniť, prostredníctvom vysokých a nízkych filmov, to fan adorácie a, nakoniec, Oscar glory.
A deväť rokov starý chlapec v New Zealand's Pukerua Bay sa nachádza v hornej časti a je spellbound by šesťdesiaty rok-starý pohľad na obrovský vrchol na ostrove plný dinosaurov. This is true magic. And the boy knows that he wants to be a magician.
Fast-forward dvadsať rokov a chlapec má byť prevzaté zhromaždenie cez film-going audience, konjuguje gore-splattered romps s bravura skill, ktorý bude viesť k akadémii recognition s Oscarom nomination pre Heavenly Creatures. Chlapec z Pukerua Bay s monštrámi odráža v jeho očiach, prišiel, a Hollywood sa volá. What would he like to do next? ‘How o fantasy filme, something ako The Lord of the Rings…?’
The greatest work of fantasy in modern literature, and the biggest, s rights ownership so complex it will baffle a wizard. Vast. Complex. Unfilmable. One does not simply walk do Mordor – unless you are Peter Jackson.
Anything You Can Imagine tells the full, dramatic story of how Jackson and jeho trusty fellowshipof Kiwi filmmakers dared take on quest every bit as daunting as Frodo's, and transformed JRR Tolkien's epick tale of adventure do cinematic magic, and then did it again with The Hobbit. Snažil sa s novými rozhovormi s Jacksonom, jeho jemnými filmármi a mnohými filmami hviezdy, Ian Nathan's mesmerising narrative whisks mi to Middle-earth, gaze cez hlavu riaditeľa a vytvorí impossible, unforgettable, a skúšky that film-making really is 'anything you can imagine'.
'Táto kniha truly je definitívna história filmu Lord of the Rings. Nearly every single element of productions is coverd here, from writing, to shooting, to Oscar-night jitters. Nathan's prose does exactly what you want from a book like this: it makes you feel as if you’re really there.’
‘In breezy and often cheeky prose, Nathan tells a grand story worthy of annals of great filmmaking… tam je múchej učebne, to chuckle over and to admire ako Jackson a jeho skupina indefatigable Kiwis tvárou do guľôčky.
Daily Mail
About the Author
One of the UK’s najlepšie known film písateľov, Ian Nathan je former editor a executive editor Empire Magazine, kde he remains a contributing editor. Je to author of titles including Anything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson a Making of Middle-earth, Alien Vault and biographies of Tim Burton and The Coen Brothers. To je tiež vyrobené a publikované v rôznych dokumentároch a môže byť publikované na Discovering Film series on SkyArts. He lives and works in London.
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Knihy v angličtine
Knihy v angličtine
128 x 198 mm
592 stran
brožovaná väzba
128 x 198 mm
592 stran
brožovaná väzba
Rok vydania
Harper Collins
Harper Collins
Kód produktu
Knihy zo série Knihy k Tolkienovmu dielu
Nezaradené časti série Knihy k Tolkienovmu dielu
- Písně ze Středozemě
- Tolkienovy legendy prstenu
- Middle-earth Landscapes: Locations in the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit Film Trilogies (vypredané)
- Anything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson and the Making of Middle-earth - Práve si prezeráte túto knihu
- The Art of the Lords of the Rings
- The Complete Guide to Middle-earth
- The Fall of Gondolin (vypredané) zobraziť viac...
Anything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson and the Making of Middle-earth - hodnotenie
Produkt Anything You Can Imagine: Peter Jackson and the Making of Middle-earth zatiaľ nikto nehodnotil.