Monster of the Week RPG
Monster of the Week RPG je príručka pre samostatnú hororovú hru na hrdinov pre 3 až 5 hráčov.
Staňte sa hrdinami ako napr. Buffy premožiteľka upírov a bojujte s monštrami!
Kniha je v angličtine.
Welcome to the new Hardcover edition of Monster of the Week!
Most people Nechcem believe in monsters, ale you know the truth. They're real, and it's váš task na bring them down. Tento hardcover edition of Monster of the Week brings that adventure to life.
Monster of the Week je standalone action-horror RPG pre 3-5 ľudí. Hunt high school beasties a la Buffy Vampire Slayer, cestovať do bring down unnatural creatures ako supernatural Winchester Brothers, alebo hlavou vpred vládnou investíciou ako Mulder and Scully.
Táto kniha contains everything you need to tackle Bigfoot, collar a chupacabra, a drive away demons. In this hardcover edition, you’ll find:
Od Toma of Mysteries doplnok, ktoré sú added rules options pre alternatívne weird basic moves, phenomenon-type mysteries, a alternatívne, viac flexible investigate a mystery move. Všetky boli tiež navrhnuté pre všetky špeciálne Luck filmy z Toma of Mysteries pre tieto knihy playbooks, ktoré sa chystajú previously.
We’ve also brought in two additional playbooks that previously existend only as online downloadables: the Snoop and the Spooktacular.
Ak ste already own the softcover Monster of week and the Tome of Mysteries doplnok—and don't want a viac trvalé hardcover upgrade to replace your softcover—you’ve already got what you need!
Kniha je v angličtine.
Welcome to the new Hardcover edition of Monster of the Week!
Most people Nechcem believe in monsters, ale you know the truth. They're real, and it's váš task na bring them down. Tento hardcover edition of Monster of the Week brings that adventure to life.
Monster of the Week je standalone action-horror RPG pre 3-5 ľudí. Hunt high school beasties a la Buffy Vampire Slayer, cestovať do bring down unnatural creatures ako supernatural Winchester Brothers, alebo hlavou vpred vládnou investíciou ako Mulder and Scully.
Táto kniha contains everything you need to tackle Bigfoot, collar a chupacabra, a drive away demons. In this hardcover edition, you’ll find:
- Príslušné vytváranie rules na bring vaše hunter na život a tvorbu cohesive hunting team, vrátane štyroch ready-to-go hunter typov ranging od snoop to spooktacular, Monstrous to divine.
- A stand-alone systém založený na ľahko-to-usú Powered by the Apocalypse engine.
- Eight core moves to investigate and deal with monsters.
- Thorough mystery-creation nástroje a dve ready-to-play mysteries.
- Example monsters ako Balkan vampires, ghouls, and spore trolls.
- Rules opcie expandovať scope a zmení flavor vášho hry na fit the weekly monster story you’ve always wanted to see, vrátane phenomena-type mysteries a alternatívne weird abilities.
What's New in the Hardcover Edition?
S hardcover edition Monster of the Week, ktoré sú pridané do malého bitu extra do existujúceho materiálu z obnovenej softcover edition—24 additional pages in all.Od Toma of Mysteries doplnok, ktoré sú added rules options pre alternatívne weird basic moves, phenomenon-type mysteries, a alternatívne, viac flexible investigate a mystery move. Všetky boli tiež navrhnuté pre všetky špeciálne Luck filmy z Toma of Mysteries pre tieto knihy playbooks, ktoré sa chystajú previously.
We’ve also brought in two additional playbooks that previously existend only as online downloadables: the Snoop and the Spooktacular.
Ak ste already own the softcover Monster of week and the Tome of Mysteries doplnok—and don't want a viac trvalé hardcover upgrade to replace your softcover—you’ve already got what you need!
Podrobnosti o vydaní
Raritné fantasy RPG
Raritné fantasy RPG
160 x 235 mm
viazaná väzba
160 x 235 mm
viazaná väzba
Rok vydania
Evil Hat Productions
Evil Hat Productions
Kód produktu
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